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「왕타짜,com 클락한카지노사이트 2025년검증업체 배트맨프로토 major토토사이트 양천구고객추천」の検索結果


majorquin, ine /maʒɔrkε̃, in/

プログレッシブ 仏和辞典 第2版
[形] マジョルカ Majorque 島の.Majorquin, ine[名] マジョルカ島の人.


one's specialty,《英》 one's speciality;《米》 one's major専攻する specialize [《米》 major] ((in history));《英》 read ((history))大学…

major merger

英和 用語・用例辞典
大型合併major mergerの用例Panasonic’s major merger with Sanyo Electric Co. was a misstep.パナソニックの三洋電機との大型合併は、誤算だった。



major holiday season

英和 用語・用例辞典
大型連休 (=a long holiday season, long breaks, major holidays)major holiday seasonの用例A major holiday season from late April to early May…

ma・jor・ette /mèidʒərét/

[名]=drum majorette.

secure a stable majority

英和 用語・用例辞典
安定多数を確保するsecure a stable majorityの用例The LDP is trying to become the largest party in the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly again in t…

major victory

英和 用語・用例辞典
圧勝 大勝major victoryの用例The DPJ and other opposition parties controlled the upper house after a major victory in the 2007 upper house e…

beer and quasi-beer

英和 用語・用例辞典
ビール類beer and quasi-beerの用例The shipment volume of beer and quasi-beer by five major beer companies in July 2013 was 44.37 million cas…

major industry

英和 用語・用例辞典
主要産業 重要産業major industryの用例Since this spring, job openings have been falling below comparable figures for the same months last ye…


❶〔城の表門〕the front gate of a castle❷〔大規模の会社〕大手私鉄各社the major private railway companiesこの会社は建設業界では最大手であるTh…

emission credits

英和 用語・用例辞典
排出枠 排出量 排出権 (=emission permits, emission rights;⇒Clean Development Mechanism)emission creditsの用例The company received ¥2 millio…

major player

英和 用語・用例辞典
大手企業 大手 大口の買い手 主流 (=leading player;⇒scramble)major playerの用例A surprise visit to Moscow by Assad underlines Russia has beco…

天鵞絨長吻虻 (ビロードツリアブ)

動植物名よみかた辞典 普及版
学名:Bombylius major動物。ツリアブ科の昆虫

major shareholder

英和 用語・用例辞典
大株主 大口株主major shareholderの用例At TEPCO’s shareholders meeting, the Tokyo metropolitan government as a major shareholder in the util…


ポケットプログレッシブ仏和・和仏辞典 第3版(和仏の部)
majorité [女], parti majoritaire [gouvernemental] [男]この法案を巡って与党と野党が対立している|Cette loi divise majorité et …

major business restructuring

英和 用語・用例辞典
大規模な事業再編major business restructuringの用例We are undertaking a major business restructuring which will improve our competitive posi…

stable majority

英和 用語・用例辞典
安定多数stable majorityの用例The LDP is trying to become the largest party in the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly again in the June 23 metropol…

major country

英和 用語・用例辞典
主要国major countryの用例The corporate tax rate is higher than those of other major countries.法人税率は、他の主要国より高い。

soft drinks maker

英和 用語・用例辞典
清涼飲料メーカーsoft drinks makerの用例Major beer maker Sapporo Holdings Ltd. will make major soft drinks maker Pokka Corp. its full subsid…

avoid conflicts with major companies

英和 用語・用例辞典
大手企業との競合を避けるavoid conflicts with major companiesの用例Some small and medium-sized companies plan to take on more recruits durin…


〔陸・空軍の〕officers below the rank of major;〔海軍の〕officers below the rank of lieutenant commander

〔音階の〕si, ti; Bロ調the key of Bロ長[短]調B major [minor]ロ長調の楽章[ミサ曲]a movement [mass] in B major

major and start-up companies

英和 用語・用例辞典
大企業と新興企業major and start-up companiesの用例Nomura Securities Co. and Tohmatsu Venture Support Co. hold early morning business meetin…

working majority

英和 用語・用例辞典
議会の決議に必要な多数 単独過半数working majorityの用例In the upcoming lower house election, the Liberal Democratic Party which aims to reg…

win more than a working majority of seats

英和 用語・用例辞典
単独過半数を上回る議席を獲得するwin more than a working majority of seatsの用例In the upcoming lower house election, the Liberal Democratic…

major inflation barometers

英和 用語・用例辞典
物価動向の主要指数major inflation barometersの用例The GDP deflator, a major inflation barometer, fell 2.7 percent in the July-September per…


ポケットプログレッシブ仏和・和仏辞典 第3版(和仏の部)
majorité [女]与党が過半数を占めている|Le parti gouvernemental est en majorité.

unlisted stock company

英和 用語・用例辞典
非公開会社unlisted stock companyの用例Many unlisted stock companies―the majority of them small and midsize companies― do not issue stock ce…

天鵞絨吊虻 (ビロードツリアブ)

動植物名よみかた辞典 普及版
学名:Bombylius major動物。ツリアブ科の昆虫

major bank

英和 用語・用例辞典
大手銀行 銀行大手 大手行major bankの用例Sharp is trying to reconstruct its management under an initiative of major banks.シャープは、大手銀…

the Major League Baseball

英和 用語・用例辞典
(野球)米大リーグ機構 米大リーグ野球 MLB (⇒MLB)the Major League Baseballの関連語句the Major League Baseball Players Association米大リーグ野…

nonlife insurer

英和 用語・用例辞典
損害保険会社 損保会社 損保 (=nonlife insurance company)nonlife insurerの用例The company is a major nonlife insurer.同社は、大手の損保会社だ…


内科学 第10版
major histocompatibility complex,主要組織適合遺伝子複合体

maintain economic growth

英和 用語・用例辞典
経済成長を維持するmaintain economic growthの用例Leaders of the Group of 20 developed and major emerging countries set a goal of restoring f…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)造船家 造船技師 造船業者 造船会社shipbuilderの関連語句major shipbuilders造船大手tonnage of major shipbuilders造船大手の建造量shipbuilde…

大太茸蠅 (オオフトキノコバエ)

動植物名よみかた辞典 普及版
学名:Dynatosoma major sapporoensis動物。キノコバエ科の昆虫

major manufacturer

英和 用語・用例辞典
大手メーカー メーカー大手major manufacturerの用例Major Chinese home appliance manufacturer Haier Group Co. has the world’s largest market s…

voting age for national elections

英和 用語・用例辞典
国政選挙の選挙年齢[選挙権年齢]voting age for national electionsの用例The age of majority should be lowered to 18 from the current 20 on the…


sergeant major;service mark.

赤啄木鳥 (アカゲラ)

動植物名よみかた辞典 普及版
学名:Dendrocopos major動物。キツツキ科の鳥

global major financial institutions

英和 用語・用例辞典
世界の主要金融機関global major financial institutionsの用例Global major financial institutions have been forced to hold extra capital since…

same month last year

英和 用語・用例辞典
前年同月same month last yearの用例October sales of foreign car makers in the Japanese market increased by 10 percent from the same month la…

major financial group

英和 用語・用例辞典
大手金融グループmajor financial groupの用例The move by the largest regional bank in the country may impact the corporate strategies of majo…

fiscal plan

英和 用語・用例辞典
財政計画 (=fiscal planning)fiscal planの関連語句a medium-term fiscal plan中期財政計画the fiscal plans of local governments地方財政計画fisca…

leaders of the Group of 20 developed and emerging countries

英和 用語・用例辞典
世界20か国・地域(G20)首脳leaders of the Group of 20 developed and emerging countriesの用例Leaders of the Group of 20 developed and major em…

credit card company

英和 用語・用例辞典
クレジット・カード会社credit card companyの用例The SET standard was jointly formulated by major credit card companies.SET規格(機密保護電子…

secure an Upper House majority

英和 用語・用例辞典
参議院の過半数を確保するsecure an Upper House majorityの用例The LDP and New Komeito secured an Upper House majority in the upper house elec…

finance ministers and central bank governors [chiefs]

英和 用語・用例辞典
財務相[蔵相]と中央銀行総裁 財務相[蔵相]・中央銀行総裁finance ministers and central bank governors [chiefs]の用例A meeting of finance minist…

domestic carbon credit system [program]

英和 用語・用例辞典
国内クレジット制度 (中小企業や農業分野などでの温室効果ガス削減分を、電力などの大企業が買い取る制度。⇒credit動詞)domestic carbon credit syst…





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