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「왕타짜,com 카지노슬롯머신전략 2025년검증업체 벳존 major토토사이트 정선군고객추천」の検索結果


shipment volume

英和 用語・用例辞典
出荷量shipment volumeの用例In the beer industry, a single day’s shipment volume during the busiest season from June to August influences th…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)薬品雑貨店 ドラッグストアdrugstoreの用例Note that mama and papa stores are now rapidly disappearing and that chain store drugstores are…

minimum age for drinking

英和 用語・用例辞典
飲酒の最低年齢 最低飲酒年齢minimum age for drinkingの用例An LDP task force on age of majority adopted a proposal to lower the age of majori…

joint communique

英和 用語・用例辞典
共同声明 (=joint statement)joint communiqueの用例The G7 has reached a major turn of events in that the latest meeting held in Canada did no…

release of radioactive substances

英和 用語・用例辞典
放射性物質の流出release of radioactive substancesの用例After the release of radioactive substances from Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant,…

steel company

英和 用語・用例辞典
鉄鋼会社steel companyの用例Large firms such as trading and steel companies are taking out short-term loans to meet working capital needs.商…

多数 たすう

プログレッシブ ポルトガル語辞典(日本語・ポルトガル語の部)
a maioria;grande número多数の人が集まった|reuniram-se um grande número de pessoas多数派|facção majorit…

Financial Stability Forum

英和 用語・用例辞典
金融安定化フォーラム FSF (G-7主要先進国と発展途上国、国際通貨基金、世界銀行、国際証券監督者機構の各代表で構成される。⇒FSB, FSF)Financial St…


❶〔中心となる勢力〕the main force❷〔主な力・努力〕政府は物価の安定に主力を注いだThe government concentrated (all) its energy on stabilizing…

economic concerns

英和 用語・用例辞典
経済的不安 景気への懸念 経済への懸念材料 経済問題economic concernsの用例In the upcoming referendum on Scottish independence, major banks, o…


a general contractor; a major construction firmゼネコン汚職corruption among general contractors and politicians


a (musical) scale音階の練習をするpractice the scales長音階a major scale短音階a minor scale

Órion's hòund

〔the ~〕《天文》天狼(てんろう)星,シリウス(Sirius);おおいぬ座(Canis Major).

pension subscriber

英和 用語・用例辞典
年金加入者pension subscriberの用例National and company employees’ pension subscribers will have to pay more than twice the current premiums…

primary commodity

英和 用語・用例辞典
第一次産品 一次産品 基本財 (=primary product)primary commodityの用例Indonesia has enjoyed decent economic growth since the global financial…

debt waiver

英和 用語・用例辞典
債権放棄 債務免除 (=waiver of debt)debt waiverの用例Because of a debt waiver by the major banks, the company’s interest-bearing debt fell t…

create economic concerns

英和 用語・用例辞典
経済的不安を招く[引き起こす]create economic concernsの用例In the upcoming referendum on Scottish independence, major banks, oil companies a…



job-hunting season

英和 用語・用例辞典
就職活動の時期 就職活動期間 就職戦線job-hunting seasonの用例By a shorter job-hunting season for university students, it may become difficul…


〔株価や金額などの大きな単位の段階〕a level; a mark株価は20,000円の大台に乗せたStock prices rose to the 20,000 yen level.国家予算が10兆円の…


❶〔議院の〕院内会派((form)) a clique [faction] within the Diet院内活動intra-Diet activities❷〔病院の〕院内感染an infection contracted in a …

major exporter

英和 用語・用例辞典
輸出大国 主要輸出国 輸出の多い国 主要輸出企業[業者]major exporterの用例The economic slowdown in Europe due to the sovereign debt crisis and…

midterm earnings report

英和 用語・用例辞典
中間決算 中間決算報告 (=interim earnings report, midterm financial report)midterm earnings reportの用例In their midterm earnings reports, m…

Tokyo Olympics

英和 用語・用例辞典
東京五輪 東京オリンピックTokyo Olympicsの用例Ahead of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the Abe administration is mulling a new law to punish restau…



multinational oil company

英和 用語・用例辞典
国際石油会社 国際大手石油会社(a major) 国際石油資本multinational oil companyの用例BP PLC, the multinational oil company, so far has spent a…

major electronics maker

英和 用語・用例辞典
大手電機メーカー 大手家電メーカー 電機大手 家電大手major electronics makerの用例Among major electronics makers, Toshiba and Hitachi downsiz…

taxable income

英和 用語・用例辞典
課税所得 申告所得 課税対象所得taxable incomeの用例As things stand, the effective corporate tax rate, which is the ratio of corporations’ na…

major opposition parties

英和 用語・用例辞典
主要野党major opposition partiesの用例Major opposition parties submitted to the lower house a no-confidence motion against the Cabinet of P…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)馬上槍試合 一騎打ち つばぜり合い 激しい駆け引きjoustingの関連語句a jousting match論戦の場intraparty jousting党内の激しい駆け引きpolitic…

raise one’s international status

英和 用語・用例辞典
国際的地位を高める[向上させる]raise one’s international statusの用例Turkey’s GDP has more than doubled and the country has raised its inter…

retail sector

英和 用語・用例辞典
小売部門retail sectorの用例Note that mama and papa stores are now rapidly disappearing and that chain store drugstores are now becoming the…

small and medium-sized companies

英和 用語・用例辞典
中小企業small and medium-sized companiesの用例Some small and medium-sized companies plan to take on more recruits during this year’s job hu…

major cause

英和 用語・用例辞典
主因 大きな原因 最大の原因 元凶 (=main cause)major causeの用例The amount of cedar pollen, a major cause of allergic reactions, is likely to…

fall into a deficit

英和 用語・用例辞典
赤字に転落する 赤字に落ち込む 赤字に陥(おちい)る 赤字になる (⇒fall into the red)fall into a deficitの用例According to the fiscal projection…


 ハナハッカ,マヨナラともいう.シソ目シソ科の多年草マジョラン(オレガノ)[Origanum vulgare],[Majorana hortensis],[Majorana onites]…

メージャー John Major

旺文社世界史事典 三訂版
1943〜  イギリスの保守党政治家。首相(在任1990〜97)大学へは進まずに経済界で頭角を現し,政界に転じて1979年に保守党の下院議員となる。サッ…

health insurance society

英和 用語・用例辞典
健康保険組合 (=health insurance association)health insurance societyの用例A major company has recently decided to dissolve its health insur…

illegal stock transaction

英和 用語・用例辞典
株の不正取引illegal stock transactionの用例Major brokerages that offer services on capital increases and takeover bids will be subject to t…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(形)圧倒的な 膨大な 大多数の 非常に強い 抗しがたい 不可抗力の ひどい すさまじいoverwhelmingの関連語句an overwhelming amount of information…

signs of economic recovery

英和 用語・用例辞典
景気回復の兆し 景気回復の動きsigns of economic recoveryの用例Companies are generally willing to take on more new hires due to signs of econ…

oil-producing region

英和 用語・用例辞典
産油地域oil-producing regionの用例There are fears of further oil price surges in international markets, which may stem from uncertainty in …

major blackout

英和 用語・用例辞典
大停電 大規模停電major blackoutの用例As many of Japanese firms operating in India have their own generators, their manufacturing operations…

compile a rough draft of

英和 用語・用例辞典
〜の素案を策定する 〜の素案を作るcompile a rough draft ofの用例A study group comprising major publishing companies, writers and Diet member…

majoritário, ria /maʒoriˈtariu, ria/

プログレッシブ ポルトガル語辞典(ポルトガル語・日本語の部)
[形][ブ]❶ 多数決による,過半数を得た.❷ 多数派の,与党のpartido majoritário|多数党.

business meeting event

英和 用語・用例辞典
商談会business meeting eventの用例Nomura Securities Co. and Tohmatsu Venture Support Co. hold early morning business meeting events every w…

FRB’s quantitative easing

英和 用語・用例辞典
米連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)の量的金融緩和FRB’s quantitative easingの用例Indonesia has enjoyed decent economic growth since the global financi…



oil field

英和 用語・用例辞典
油田 (=oilfield)oil fieldの用例China’s three major oil companies are accelerating development of oil fields in Iran, Sudan and other countr…

from the same month last year

英和 用語・用例辞典
前年同月比で 前年同月より[から] 前年同月比〜from the same month last yearの用例Among household use, beer consumption for midsummer and othe…





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