「government agencies」の検索結果


economic boost

英和 用語・用例辞典
景気浮揚 景気刺激economic boostの用例A significant economic boost cannot be expected from the government’s handout policies such as the fla…

deliver a government work report

英和 用語・用例辞典
政府活動報告を行うdeliver a government work reportの用例Chinese Premier Li Keqiang delivered a government work report at the opening sessio…

sensitive information

英和 用語・用例辞典
機密情報 (=sensitive intelligence)sensitive informationの用例Sensitive information has been disclosed by 4 government bodies due to careles…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)(目標の)達成 成就 実現 結実 成果 結晶 喜び 楽しみfruitionの関連語句bring one’s plans to fruition〜の計画を実現させるcome to fruition実…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)活動 積極的行動 積極的行動主義 実践主義 直接行動の行使 活動家の活躍activismの用例The ASEAN nations have higher expectations for Japanes…

offer subsidies

英和 用語・用例辞典
助成金を出すoffer subsidiesの用例The government offers subsidies to companies hiring middle-aged and elderly workers who have lost their jo…

countermeasures task force

英和 用語・用例辞典
対策本部countermeasures task forceの用例In the hostage-taking crisis by Islamic extremists at a natural gas complex in In Amenas in eastern…

anti-Japan sentiment

英和 用語・用例辞典
反日感情 (⇒anti-Japanese sentiment)anti-Japan sentimentの用例As a mystifying act for a country ruled by law, the South Korean judicial auth…

promote progress in science and technology

英和 用語・用例辞典
科学技術の進歩を促進するpromote progress in science and technologyの用例In order to promote progress in science and technology, it’s necess…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)連絡 連絡事務 渉外 渉外係 調整役 接触 密通 不倫 不倫行為 痴情関係liaisonの関連語句act as a liaison調整役として活動[行動]する 調整役とし…

People’s Honor Award

英和 用語・用例辞典
(日本の)国民栄誉賞People’s Honor Awardの用例At the People’s Honor Award ceremony at Tokyo Dome, Hideki Matsui and Shigeo Nagashima were eac…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)配布 分配 譲渡 声明 声明文 情報 発表文書 新聞発表(press [news] release) 配布資料 宣伝用ビラ[パンフレット] 広告 ちらし 試供品 無料サンプ…

geothermal power generation

英和 用語・用例辞典
地熱発電geothermal power generationの用例The government will accelerate the development of geothermal power generation, which taps into mag…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(副)断固として 決定的に きっぱりとdecisivelyの関連語句decisively implement〜を断行するdecisivelyの用例The government should decisively impl…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(動)用いる 使う 駆使する 利用する 活用する 生かすutilizeの用例A system utilizing information technology (IT) is part of the basic infrastru…

ordinary Diet session

英和 用語・用例辞典
通常国会 (⇒organized crime)ordinary Diet sessionの関連語句deliver a policy speech at the ordinary Diet session通常国会で施政方針演説を行うs…

basic policy

英和 用語・用例辞典
基本政策 基本方針basic policyの用例The government will compile a basic policy on economic partnership agreements, including the TPP.政府は…

promote the protection of intellectual property

英和 用語・用例辞典
知的財産の保護を推進するpromote the protection of intellectual propertyの用例The government will compile a plan to promote the protection o…

exchange rate movements

英和 用語・用例辞典
為替変動 為替レートの変動 為替相場の動き 為替動向 (=exchange fluctuations, exchange rate changes [fluctuations, moves])exchange rate moveme…

outright purchases of long-term government bonds

英和 用語・用例辞典
長期国債買切りオペレーション (⇒upturn)outright purchases of long-term government bondsの用例A likely measure to be adopted by the Bank of J…

one-stop center

英和 用語・用例辞典
ワンストップ・センターone-stop centerの用例The government aims to make the Hello Work job placement offices one-stop centers.政府は、ハロー…


食べ過ぎは色々の病気を誘発するOvereating can cause [induce/bring about] all kinds of illnesses.何が第三次世界大戦を誘発するか分からないAnyt…

nationwide antigovernment uprising

英和 用語・用例辞典
全土に広がった反政府暴動nationwide antigovernment uprisingの用例In the face of a nationwide antigovernment uprising, the administration of …


a lower class [grade]下級の low-class, lower-grade;〔年下の〕junior下級官庁a subordinate agency下級官吏a lower-level [junior, petty] offic…

Egyptian government

英和 用語・用例辞典
エジプト政府Egyptian governmentの用例Despite a possible outlawing of the Muslim Brotherhood by the Egyptian government, the ousted presiden…

persistent provocations

英和 用語・用例辞典
執拗(しつよう)な挑発行為persistent provocationsの用例Government officials have become increasingly uncomfortable about China’s persistent p…

short-term profit

英和 用語・用例辞典
短期利益 目先の利益 (=short-range profit)short-term profitの用例No significant improvement in air pollution in China has been seen as many …

amount of damages

英和 用語・用例辞典
被害額 損害額amount of damagesの用例The presiding judge said the district court suspended the prison sentences on the defendants as they ha…

maturity period

英和 用語・用例辞典
償還期限 満期までの期間maturity periodの用例The Bank of Japan typically purchased government bonds with short maturity periods in the past.…

economic stimulus measures

英和 用語・用例辞典
景気テコ入れ策 景気浮揚策 景気刺激策 景気刺激対策景気対策 経済対策 財政出動economic stimulus measuresの用例At two financial summit meetings…

downturn in airline passengers

英和 用語・用例辞典
(旅客機)利用客の減少 乗客の減少downturn in airline passengersの用例Two domestic carriers have been given a total of ¥85 billion in emergen…

lift the arms export ban

英和 用語・用例辞典
武器輸出禁止を解く 武器輸出を解禁するlift the arms export banの用例The government is studying to lift the arms export ban to realize joint …

supply of electricity

英和 用語・用例辞典
電力供給supply of electricityの用例In reactivating idle nuclear reactors to realize a stable supply of electricity after their safety is co…


government officials;〔総称〕officialdom(▼しばしば嘲笑的な意味を持つ) ⇒やくにん(役人),公務員

science and technology basic plan

英和 用語・用例辞典
科学技術基本計画science and technology basic planの用例Such areas as next-generation supercomputing, free electron lasers and space transpo…


〔国家の軍隊〕a nation's armed [military] forces, government troops;〔自分の国の軍隊〕our troops, our armed forces


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)再編成 再編 再調整 調整 再統合 再提携 (⇒political realignment [regroupings])realignmentの関連語句aggressive realignment攻めの再編 積極…


a petition ((for));an appeal (to the authorities)政府に援助を訴願したThey petitioned [appealed to] the government for aid.訴願人a petition…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)包含 包括 含有 一体性 算入 費用[コスト]の上乗せ 含まれるもの 包含物 含有物inclusionの関連語句with the inclusion of〜を含めてinclusionの…

consumer organization

英和 用語・用例辞典
消費者団体consumer organizationの用例On behalf of people suffering financial damages from malicious sales practices, the government decided…


都営の体育館a gymnasium run [managed] by the metropolitan government都営住宅municipal housing; municipally rented houses [apartment houses]…

formal contacts

英和 用語・用例辞典
公式協議formal contactsの用例According to government sources, the resumption of formal contacts between director general-level officials of…

three-way intervention

英和 用語・用例辞典
三極の市場介入three-way interventionの関連語句yen-selling, dollar-buying intervention円売り・ドル買い介入three-way interventionの用例Accord…

economic reports

英和 用語・用例辞典
景気指標 (=economic results)economic reportsの用例According to the government’s monthly economic report, the deflationary tone of commodity…

international ratings agency

英和 用語・用例辞典
国際格付け機関international ratings agencyの用例In new sovereign debt ratings by Germany’s Bertelsmann Foundation, Japan earned a score of …

fall into debt

英和 用語・用例辞典
債務超過に陥るfall into debtの用例Creditor financial institutions and shareholders will suffer huge losses if TEPCO falls into debt without…

collection of debts

英和 用語・用例辞典
債権回収collection of debtsの用例To make RCC’s collection of debts more efficient, the government plans to actively recruit financial exper…

avoid a financial burden

英和 用語・用例辞典
財政負担を避けるavoid a financial burdenの用例The U.S. government’s benign neglect apparently reflects its belief in the need to avoid a fi…

fiscal resources

英和 用語・用例辞典
財源 原資fiscal resourcesの用例Issuing Finance Ministry bonds on the pretext of a shortage of fiscal resources would violate the public fin…

Thai government

英和 用語・用例辞典
タイ政府Thai governmentの用例The Thai government has so far failed to meet the demands of protesters, which include the holding of new elec…





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