Japanese government bond yields
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 日本国債の利回り (=JGB yields)Japanese government bond yieldsの用例A 100-basis-point shock [rise] in Japanese government bond yields in 201…
settlement of the dispute
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 紛争の解決settlement of the disputeの用例The Japanese government proposed that Japan and South Korea jointly file a suit with the Internati…
merger consideration
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 合併の対価merger considerationの用例The bill would allow a foreign company planning to acquire a Japanese company to pay shareholders of th…
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- (名)宣教師 伝道師 使節missionaryの関連語句cultural missionary文化使節missionary position正常位missionary work布教活動 伝動事業missionaryの…
business customers
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 企業の顧客 企業の取引先 法人顧客 企業のユーザーbusiness customersの用例In Japanese firms, stable shareholders including banks and business …
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- (名)案文策定 起草 計画立案draftingの関連語句drafting committee起草委員会drafting work起草作業draftingの用例During the drafting of the OECD’…
shareholders’ voices
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 株主の声shareholders’ voicesの用例In Japanese firms, stable shareholders including banks and business customers generally account for a maj…
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- (日本の)広域災害救急医療情報システム イーミス (Emergency Medical Information Systemの略。災害拠点病院の被災情報や受入れ可能人数などをインタ…
Society 5.0
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- ソサエティ5.0 (日本が提唱する未来社会のコンセプト。狩猟社会、農耕社会、工業社会、情報社会に続く人類史上5番目の新しい社会。仮想空間と現実空…
U.S. National Security Council
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 米国国家安全保障会議 NSCU.S. National Security Councilの用例A government panel of experts is considering the creation of a Japanese version…
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- (名)借用語 外来語 (⇒introduce)loanwordの用例Loanwords should be replaced with more understandable Japanese terms.外来語は、もっと分かりやす…
raise a child
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 子どもを育てるraise a childの用例One cause of Japan’s chronically low birthrate is the steep cost of raising a child.日本の少子化の一因は、…
business boom
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 景気 好景気 好況 景気上昇business boomの用例Japan’s exports, which had been supporting the business boom, lost momentum.景気を支えてきた日…
abundant fund supply
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 潤沢な資金供給abundant fund supplyの用例The nation’s monetary base in May 2011 increased 16.2 percent from a year earlier as the Bank of Ja…
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- (動)入手する 仕入れる 調達するsourceの関連語句be sourced from〜から入手する 〜から仕入れるlocally sourced地元産のmoney sourced from〜から提…
eliminate nuclear energy
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 原発を全廃するeliminate nuclear energyの用例Under the worst-case scenario in which Japan chooses a policy of totally eliminating nuclear en…
particle physics
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 素粒子物理学particle physicsの用例Particle physics has long been a particular forte of Japan as is shown by the fact that six of the seven …
recover the remains of
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 〜の遺骨を収集する 〜の遺骨の収集活動をするrecover the remains ofの用例As part of a government team tasked with recovering the remains of f…
currency swap deal
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 通貨[外貨]交換取引 通貨交換(スワップ)協定 通貨スワップ取引 通貨スワップ取引枠 通貨交換(スワップ)協定currency swap dealの用例As countermeasu…
antipiracy activities
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 海賊対処活動antipiracy activitiesの用例The Democratic Party of Japan will continue Japan’s antipiracy activities.民主党は、日本の海賊対処活…
attract tourists
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 観光客を呼び込むattract touristsの用例Domestic industries including tourism are highly expected to reap the benefits if the expanded budget…
rise in Japanese government bond yields
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 日本国債利回りの上昇rise in Japanese government bond yieldsの用例A 100-basis-point shock [rise] in Japanese government bond yields in 2017 …
numerical value
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 数値numerical valueの用例Japan’s new goal of 3.8 percent cut in greenhouse gas emissions by the end of fiscal 2020 is a numerical value set…
punitive action
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 制裁措置 対抗措置 処罰行為punitive actionの用例Major beef exporters such as the United States have already threatened to impose some puniti…
early earthquake warning
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 緊急地震速報early earthquake warningの用例After the Great East-Japan Earthquake, early earthquake warnings have been issued frequently.東日…
entrance ceremony
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 入学式 入社式entrance ceremonyの用例Many Japanese major companies hold entrance ceremonies for new employees on April 1st.日本の大手企業の…
related industries
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 関連業界related industriesの用例Toyota’s shock waves will continue to spread through related industries and regions of Japan.トヨタの衝撃波…
return to the stock market
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 株式市場への復帰return to the stock marketの用例Japan Airline made a solid return to the stock market after a 31-month absence.日本航空が、…
Nitten (exhibition)
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 日展 日本美術展覧会(the Japan Fine Arts Exhibition)Nitten (exhibition)の用例As fraudulent judging was revealed in the calligraphy section o…
a hard-line approach
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 強硬姿勢 (=hard-line stance)a hard-line approachの関連語句a hard-line plan強硬案 強硬策hard lines困難 困苦 難儀 苦境 不運take a hard line o…
magnetic levitation technology
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- リニア技術magnetic levitation technologyの用例Abe advertised Japan at the New York Stock Exchange by explaining that introduction of a high…
primary income account
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 第一次所得収支 (国際収支における経常収支の一項目で、配当金や利子の受取り・支払い)primary income accountの用例Japan’s surplus in the primary…
reconstruction project from the March 11 disaster
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 東日本大震災の復興事業reconstruction project from the March 11 disasterの用例In a scenario for economic growth recovery drawn up by the gov…
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- (副)普通に 普段 通常 通例 いつも 標準的に 普通の状態で[やり方で] 因習的にnormallyの用例The Japanese government’s national census (populatio…
human rights
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 人権 (⇒humanitarian intervention)human rightsの関連語句Human Rights Bureau(日本法務局の)人権擁護局human rights diplomacy人権外交
Japanese businesses
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 日本企業Japanese businessesの用例The acquisition of Australian major logistics player Toll Holdings by Japan Post Holdings Co. will be the …
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- (名)破廉恥(はれんち)行為 名誉剥奪(はくだつ) 公民権剥奪 公民権喪失infamyの関連語句infamies破廉恥行為 非行the Day of Infamy不名誉の日 (日本軍…
record deficit
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 過去最高の赤字record deficitの用例Japan’s 2012 trading balance, or exports minus imports, ran up a record deficit of ¥6.9 trillion, 2.7 ti…
rise in patent royalty revenues
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 特許権使用料収入の増加 特許権使用料の増収rise in patent royalty revenuesの用例Japan’s services trade deficit in July 2013 was reduced by ab…
securities dealer
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 証券業者 証券securities dealerの関連語句Japan Securities Dealers Association日本証券業協会National Association of Securities Dealers全米証…
parts maker
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 部品メーカーparts makerの用例In cooperation with its parts makers, Toyota has brought one new model after another to the market.部品メーカ…
demographic structure
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 人口構成 人工構造demographic structureの用例The conventional demographic structure of Japan was pyramid-shaped.従来の日本の人口構成は、ピラ…
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 国際司法裁判所 (⇒International Court of Justice)ICJの用例Japan will abide by the ruling of the ICJ as a nation that attaches great importan…
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 米国家安全保障会議 (National Security Councilの略)NSCの関連語句a Japanese NSC日本版NSCNSCの用例A Japanese NSC will deal with matters that r…
territorial right
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 領有権territorial rightの用例In the South China Sea, China’s intimidation of the Philippines and Vietnam over the territorial rights of isl…
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 新型コロナウイルス接触確認アプリ ココア (Covid-19 Contact-Confirming Applicationの略。日本政府が開発した新型コロナウイルス(the new [novel] …
brisk performance
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 好業績brisk performanceの用例The firm that best represents the brisk performances of Japanese companies is Toyota Motor Corp.日本企業の好業…
cut into
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 〜を減らす 下げる 〜に割り込む 〜を妨げるcut intoの用例The slowdown in exports has also drastically cut into Japan’s current account surplu…
total emissions volume
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 排出総量total emissions volumeの用例Japan and the United States aim for reductions in total emissions volume.日本や米国が目標としているのは…
age of people decline
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 人口減少社会age of people declineの用例It will not be long before Japan enters the age of people decline.間もなく、日本は人口減少社会に突入…