

receipts and disbursements; revenue and expenditure彼は会社で出納を受け持っているHe is in charge of the firm's accounts [books].出納係a cas…

account books

英和 用語・用例辞典
会計帳簿 決算書 通帳 (=accounting books, books of account, financial books)account booksの用例These troubles caused by the computer malfunc…

business environment

英和 用語・用例辞典
経営環境 企業環境 事業環境 景気 (=business climate;⇒extent, face)business environmentの用例Alarmed by the likelihood that the business envi…

overseas markets

英和 用語・用例辞典
海外市場 (⇒squeeze)overseas marketsの用例Robust sales in overseas markets, including North America, contributed to the growth in profits an…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)余剰 過剰 余剰分 過剰分 余剰金 超過金 剰余金 積立金 黒字 歳入超過額 残額 (⇒balance for the income account, current account [accounts] b…

introduction of asset impairment accounting

英和 用語・用例辞典
減損会計の導入introduction of asset impairment accountingの用例The revision of projected business results stems from slumping sales in over…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(動)(経費などを)水増し請求するpadの関連語句pad accounts [books]粉飾決算するpadded bills水増し請求書pad profits [earnings]利益を水増しするpa…

first-half basis

英和 用語・用例辞典
上半期ベースfirst-half basisの用例The pace of decline in the surplus in the current account was the steepest on a first-half basis.経常黒字…


an account銀行口座a bank account当座預金口座a checking [current] account振替貯金口座a postal transfer account彼はその銀行に口座を持っている…

nuclear accident

英和 用語・用例辞典
原子力事故 原発事故 (=N-accident)nuclear accidentの用例TEPCO will have to fulfill its responsibility to pay compensation to people and busi…


相殺する offsetこれで去年の借りは相殺ということになるThis will serve as a counterbalance to last year's debt./This will offset last year's…

personal bank account

英和 用語・用例辞典
個人の銀行口座personal bank accountの用例About 50 percent of the money stolen from personal bank accounts via the Internet was withdrawn fr…


〔一部払い〕(a) partial payment, (a) payment on account;〔頭金としての〕a down payment内払いで50万円払いますI'll pay five hundred thousand…

ordinance for enforcement

英和 用語・用例辞典
施行規則ordinance for enforcementの関連語句the Ordinance for Enforcement of Certified Public Accountants Examination公認会計士試験規則the O…


(a) credit sale我が社はあの会社に500万円の売り掛けがあるWe have five million yen in accounts receivable from that company.売り掛け金account…

consolidated accounts

英和 用語・用例辞典
連結決算(consolidated accounting period figures) 連結財務書類(consolidated financial statements, group accounts) 連結財務諸表consolidated a…

balance of current account

英和 用語・用例辞典
経常収支balance of current accountの関連語句balance of capital account資本収支balance of invisible trade貿易外収支balance of long-term capi…

current account imbalances

英和 用語・用例辞典
経常収支の不均衡 (⇒conductive to)current account imbalancesの用例The G-20 nations will promote policies to keep current account imbalances …


包括する comprehend; include ⇒ふくむ(含む)包括的 comprehensiveこの本は広範な問題を包括しているThis book covers a wide range of topics.こ…

fait accompli

英和 用語・用例辞典
既成事実 (=accomplished fact;複数形はfaits accompli)fait accompliの関連語句accept 〜 as a fait accompli〜を既成事実として受け入れる[認める]…

favorable settlement of accounts

英和 用語・用例辞典
好決算favorable settlement of accountsの用例In favorable settlements of accounts for fiscal 2013, companies one after another reported reco…

agreement on property claims and economic cooperation

英和 用語・用例辞典
財産請求権・経済協力協定agreement on property claims and economic cooperationの用例As a mystifying act for a country ruled by law, the Sout…

generally accepted accounting principles

英和 用語・用例辞典
一般に認められた会計原則 一般に認められた会計基準 GAAP (=generally accepted accounting practices)generally accepted accounting principlesの…


《user client access license》⇒キャル(CAL)

bank account

英和 用語・用例辞典
銀行口座 銀行預金口座 銀行勘定 預金 (⇒cashless society, transfer)bank accountの用例About 50 percent of the money stolen from personal bank …

liability claim

英和 用語・用例辞典
賠償請求liability claimの用例More 3-judge panels in civil cases, which the top court calls for, include liability claims on system developm…


&fRoman1;❶〔計算〕calculation; computation; counting; reckoning(▼calculationは通例複雑な計算を行うこと.countingは一つ一つ数えること.reck…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)基本的な考え方 アイデア 基本思想 主義 構想 概念 理念 観念 基準 公準 コンセプトconceptの関連語句accounting concept会計概念attributable c…

accounting fraud

英和 用語・用例辞典
会計操作 不正会計処理 粉飾決算 (=accounting manipulation)accounting fraudの用例The firm’s former president denied the leading role in the c…

system development

英和 用語・用例辞典
システム開発system developmentの用例More 3-judge panels in civil cases, which the top court calls for, include liability claims on system d…

Certified Public Accountants Law

英和 用語・用例辞典
公認会計士法Certified Public Accountants Lawの用例The Financial Services Agency gave an official warning to this audit firm under the Certi…


accounting彼はその会社で経理を担当しているHe is 「in charge of accounting [an accountant] for the company.経理部the cashier's office; the a…

final accounts

英和 用語・用例辞典
年次財務諸表 決算final accountsの関連語句the final accounts of government spending and revenue国の収入・支出の決算final accountsの用例The C…


capital account;cash account;credit account;current account.

settlement term ending in March

英和 用語・用例辞典
3月期決算 (=settlement of accounts for the business year ending on March 31)settlement term ending in Marchの用例The company recorded an op…

take account of

英和 用語・用例辞典
〜を考慮する 〜を考慮[視野]に入れる 〜を想定する (=take into account)take account ofの用例After two days of wrangling over a budget law, It…


&fRoman1;❶〔貸借の〕settlement; clearance手形を清算するsettle a bill土地を売って負債を清算したHe cleared off his debts by selling his land.…

current account profit

英和 用語・用例辞典
経常利益current account profitの用例Rakuten’s consolidated current account profits stand at ¥15.4 billion.楽天の連結経常利益は、154億円と…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(形)責任がある 責任能力があるaccountableの関連語句be held accountable for〜の責任を問われる 〜について責任があるhold accountable the party’…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(動)粉飾する 粉飾決算する 虚偽記載する (⇒darling)window-dressの用例A condominium developer window-dressed its financial statements by cover…


公務多端のため欠席いたしますI'm afraid I can't attend the meeting 「because of [on account of] the pressure of official business.

business results

英和 用語・用例辞典
営業成績 企業業績 業績 決算 (=business performance, operating results)business resultsの用例As a conspicuous trend of job-seeking students,…


cancellation借金を棒引きにしてもらったI had my debts written off.勘定を棒引きにしてやろうI will strike your account off the books./I will …

window dressing

英和 用語・用例辞典
粉飾 粉飾決算(window-dresses accounts) 見かけ倒し ウインドーの装飾[飾り付け] (⇒perpetrator)window dressingの関連語句settlement of accounts …

owing to

英和 用語・用例辞典
〜のために 〜が原因で 〜による 〜に起因する (=because of, on account of)owing toの用例The Philippines’ economy is in good shape largely owi…

majority of shareholders

英和 用語・用例辞典
多数[過半数の]の株主 株主の過半数majority of shareholdersの用例In Japanese companies, a low priority is put on earnings power and returning…

hidden treasure

英和 用語・用例辞典
埋蔵金 霞が関埋蔵金 (財務相が管理する特別会計のなかにある積立金のこと)hidden treasureの用例Accumulated surplus funds from previous years ar…

accounts receivable

英和 用語・用例辞典
売掛債権 売掛金accounts receivableの用例A new type of black-market financing called “salary factoring” takes the form of purchasing rights …

economic cooperation

英和 用語・用例辞典
経済協力 経済連携economic cooperationの用例As a mystifying act for a country ruled by law, the South Korean judicial authorities seem to ha…

articles of agreement

英和 用語・用例辞典
契約覚書 契約書 基本定款(agreement of articles) 設立協定 社団の規約articles of agreementの用例According to the AIIB’s Articles of Agreement…





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