
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(名)環境 情勢 動向 局面 展開 (⇒economic environment, Green Belt Movement, work environment)



Amid public calls for eliminating the waiting lists for licensed day care centers, it is required to create an environment in which more people can raise their children while continuing their careers.

A nuclear energy policy is important in helping ensure a stable power supply and protecting the environment, and it also affects the whole spectrum of matters related to steering the ship of state, including the nation’s economy, diplomacy and national security.

Behind Japan’s declining competitiveness in the field of science and technology are lackluster public fiscal support, the deteriorating research environment, and a shortage of human resources.

Benefiting from the yen’s depreciation which resulted from Abenomics, the Abe administration’s economic policies, the earnings environment for export-oriented companies has greatly improved.

By promoting “natural environment trust activities” which are modeled after the National Trust movement, local governments would be able to purchase plots of land within local designated natural assets areas to preserve the environment for the future.

Due to China’s military buildup and North Korea’s nuclear and missile development, the security environment surrounding Japan has been deteriorating.

European countries and China have various kinds of bubbles and/or swollen monetary environments.

From the standpoint of protecting the global environment and maintaining domestic energy self-sufficiency, the supply of green energy including water, solar and wind power as well as geothermal power and natural gas will be required to be further increased.

Harmful substances mixed with debris will likely damage the marine environment.

In settlements of accounts for fiscal 2013, companies in wide-ranging fields saw rapid improvement in their earnings, but Sony failed to exploit the favorable business environment.

It is also important to provide a social environment in which women can find and maintain jobs easily in order to secure a sufficient working-age population.

Major challenges in the field of employment are improving working conditions for the steadily growing number of nonregular employees and rectifying long work hours to create pleasant job environments for all.

Prime Minister Abe delivered a speech at the New York Stock Exchange and emphasized that the government would do its best to create an environment to facilitate investment.

Seven ruling and opposition parties’ joint submission of a bill to revise the National Referendum Law is a step forward in preparing an environment for amending the Constitution.

The job hunting period for university students will be shortened to create an environment in which they can concentrate on their schoolwork.

The monetary environment in Japan is more accommodative than in any other advanced economy.

The national security environment surrounding Japan has become increasingly severe as epitomized by China’s declaration of an air defense identification zone.

The National Trust movement, which started in Britain in the 19th century, is a citizens’ campaign to collect donations to purchase plots of land to maintain natural and historical environments.

The World Organization for Animal Health drew up draft guidelines for raising livestock in a less stressful environment from the perspective of “animal welfare.”
世界動物保健機関(国際獣疫事務局(OIE)の別称で、OIE=フランス語のOffice International des Epizooties)が、「アニマルウェルフェア(動物福祉)」の観点から、ストレスの少ない環境で家畜を飼育するための指針案を作成した。

To enhance economic growth potential, it is also essential to support research and development projects in such growth sectors as energy and the environment, and foster new industries that are internationally competitive.

To improve the environment at the U.S. military bases in Japan, the Japanese government will provide funds to the United States to install equipment to purify contaminated water and photovoltaic generators.

To preserve the environment of Mt. Fuji, a World Heritage site, the Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectural governments will collect ¥1,000 per climber in principle as a voluntary admission fee.

To stave off the decline in the number of young women in the municipalities in Japan, a private-sector council of experts proposed implementing measures to stop excessive concentration of the population in the Tokyo metropolitan area by improving the living environment in regional core cities.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報




1 [U][C]環境,周囲(の状況);〔the ~〕自然環境(◆surroundings は物理的な環境,environment は人の感情・ものの見方などに影響を与えるものとしての環境)([連語] (1) [形]+environment:〔自然〕natural/global/physical;〔種類〕rain forest/aquatic/coastal/marine.(2) [動]+environment:〔保護〕preserve/conserve;〔破壊〕damage/pollute/destroy/affect

changes in environment

the pollution [the destruction] of the environment

protect [contaminate] the environment

2 [C][U](生活)環境,周囲(の状況)([連語] [形]+environment:〔種類〕living/working/work/business/office/classroom/learning;〔よい〕safe/secure/stable/friendly/pleasant/supportive;〔悪い〕harsh/hostile

a learning environment

the political environment

3 [C]《コンピュ》環境(◇ハードウェアやソフトウェアの構成・操作環境)

4 [U][C](観客参加の)環境劇(場),環境芸術(の作品)

5 [U]包囲,取り囲むこと

出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例

