
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(動)昇進させる 昇格させる 進級させる 起用する 登用する 促進する 推進する 振興する 増進する 助長する 育成する 発展させる 奨励する 製品などを売り込む 販売を促進する 主催する (事業などを)発起する 〜の発起人になる 始める(launch) (議案、法案の)通過に努める 支持する (⇒employment crisis, NGO, selection, speak over the phone, urge)



A group of English teachers nationwide will establish the Academy of Movie English to promote greater use of movies in the classroom and announce a “Movie English Academy Awards” for feature films that are deemed appropriate for learning English.

A law to promote regenerative medicine for encouraging practical application of iPS technologies passed in April 2013.

Amid the government’s tight fiscal conditions, the government will earmark more than ¥290 billion in fiscal 2012 to promote the economy of Okinawa Prefecture.

As an important issue in the upcoming upper house election, the LDP unveiled policies to promote wider use of cheap generic drugs and prevent people from receiving treatment at more than one medical institution for the same disease.

As soon as the Democratic Party of Japan took the reins of government, former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama promoted a misguided “politician-led decision making” principle.

At the end of the TICAD 5, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the leaders of African nations pledged to promote private sector-led economic development in Africa to further facilitate the continent’s qualitative growth.

At the National Congress, Hu Jintao’s “scientific development concept” was promoted to an official guiding socioeconomic ideology and was enshrined in the party’s charter.

Convenience stores are promoting small packages of perishable food, such as fruits, vegetables and meat.

Department stores are vying for customers by promoting gifts with a touch of luxury, with Mother’s Day approaching.

Eating grilled eel in July and August, the hottest time of the year, is a Japanese tradition as eel helps to promote appetite and recovery from fatigue.

He was promoted to the position of representative director of the company.

Hu Jintao promoted two senior military leaders close to him as vice chairman of the Central Military Commission and he also placed members of his faction in the Politburo.

In an effort to create a mutually beneficial relationship based on common strategic interests, Japan has promoted cooperation with China in energy saving and environmental protection.

In Egypt, secular-Islamist rift has widened over the new Constitution, which was expected to promote national integration after the ousting of former President Hosni Mubarak.

In terms of trade volume, South Korea is currently among the top 10 countries partly due to its efforts to promote free trade agreements with the United States, the European Union and others.

In the One Belt One Road Initiative proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013, China promotes the development of railway, port and other infrastructure in countries across Asia, Europe and Africa to link China with those countries by land and sea.

Japan’s pop culture, including its anime, games, food and fashion, is popular and being promoted under the name of “Cool Japan” in Asia, Europe and North America.

Nursing-care robots produced on a trial basis by some Japanese companies cost as much as 20 million yen per unit, but the government hopes to promote the robots priced at about 100,000 yen for widespread use across the nation.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made good on his commitment of promoting women to leadership roles by appointing five women to ministerial posts in his Cabinet revamp.

Shigeru Ishiba, the general secretary of the Liberal Democratic Party aims to promote the stance that the LDP must not be bigheaded about its victory in the lower house election.

The cornerstone of the Cool Japan initiative aimed at promoting the exports of Japanese pop culture is the content industry which produces anime, video games and movies.

The Department works in partnership with business, academe and others to promote a favorable climate for innovation, to encourage best practice and effective design, to assist the transfer and use of new technologies and processes and to support technology development, especially by small firms.

The government decided to dispatch Japanese experts to Russia to promote the introduction of alternatives to oil, such as wind power, solar energy and natural gas.

To promote and boost the tourism industry, it is important to establish public infrastructure by the construction or extension of Shinkansen lines and through the building of airports or seaports that could become international hubs which will lead to strengthening international competitiveness.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報




1 〈活動・状態などを〉促進する,増進させる,…を助長[助成]する,奨励[振興]する

promote health

Salt promotes high blood pressure.

1a 〈事業などを〉発起する;〈コンサート・スポーツ大会などを〉プロモートする

1b 〈商品などの〉販売[普及]を(宣伝して)促進する

1c 〈法案などの〉通過を促進する

2 〔通例受身形で〕〈人を〉(…に)昇進[昇格]させる≪to≫(⇔demote

He was promoted (to (the rank of)) captain.

2a 〔通例受身形で〕《スポーツ》〈チームを〉上位リーグに昇格させる(⇔relegate

2b ((米))《教育》〈生徒を〉進級させる

2c 《チェス》〈ポーンを〉クイーンに成らせる

3 ((米俗))…をだまし取る;〈人を〉くどいて(…を)おごらせる[出させる]≪for




◆目的語が「発展・思想」的な語の場合には 1,「製品」の場合には 1b の意味で用いられる.






出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例





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