「the Imperial Household Agency」の検索結果



the Imperial Household Agency宮内庁御用達purveyors to the Imperial Household Agency宮内庁長官the Grand Steward of the Imperial Household Ag…

Imperial Household Agency

英和 用語・用例辞典
宮内庁Imperial Household Agencyの用例According to the Imperial Household Agency, a ceremony corresponding to a wake for common people when …


the Imperial Household [Family]皇室財産the Imperial property [estate]皇室典範the Imperial Household Law皇室費Imperial Household expenses;…

Imperial House [Household] Law

英和 用語・用例辞典
皇室典範Imperial House [Household] Lawの関連語句amend the Imperial House [Household] Law to provide for female heirs or siblings to succeed…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)通夜wakeの用例According to the Imperial Household Agency, a ceremony corresponding to a wake for common people when the emperor or empr…

correspond to

英和 用語・用例辞典
〜に相当する 〜に当たるcorrespond toの用例According to the Imperial Household Agency, a ceremony corresponding to a wake for common people …

common people

英和 用語・用例辞典
人民 民衆 一般大衆[民衆] 一般人 普通人 庶民common peopleの用例According to the Imperial Household Agency, a ceremony corresponding to a wak…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)(病院などの)死体仮置き場 遺体安置所 霊安室(funeral chapel [church, parlor, residence) 葬儀場(funeral home [parlor]) (形)死の 埋葬のmort…

im・pe・ri・al /impíəriəl/

[形]1 〔限定〕帝国の;〔I-〕大英帝国の.1a 〔限定〕皇帝の,皇后の,皇室の.His [Her] Imperial Majesty天皇[皇后]陛下the Imperial Household…


宮内庁御用達Purveyors [pərvéiərz] to the Imperial Household

household savings

英和 用語・用例辞典
家計の貯蓄 家計貯蓄household savingsの関連語句household sector消費者 家計部門household spending家計支出 個人消費household survey家計調査 (=…

Imperial era name

英和 用語・用例辞典
元号Imperial era nameの関連語句Imperial Household Council皇室会議Imperial Palace Security Police皇宮(こうぐう)警察Imperial Poetry Party歌会…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(形)帝国の 皇帝の 皇后の 天皇の 皇室の 威厳のある 尊大な 特大の 特上の 極上の 上質の (名)皇帝 皇后 特上品 極上品 特大品imperialの関連語句an…

imperial throne

英和 用語・用例辞典
王座 玉座 司教座 高御座(たかみくら) 皇位imperial throneの関連語句amend the Imperial House [Household] Law to provide for female heirs or si…

Imperial Palace

英和 用語・用例辞典
皇居 皇居・宮殿 御所(ごしょ)Imperial Palaceの用例According to the Imperial Household Agency, a ceremony corresponding to a wake for common …


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)皇后 女帝 (⇒emperor)empressの関連語句Empress Dowager皇太后Her Majesty the Empress皇后陛下Her Majesty the Empress Emeritus上皇后The Augu…


〔皇太子〕the Crown Prince東宮御所the Crown Prince's Palace東宮侍従a chamberlain to the Crown Prince東宮職((a member of)) the Board of the …


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)家庭 世帯 所帯 家計 (⇒income levels, inexpensive)householdの関連語句a single-parent householdひとり親家庭head of household世帯主househo…

house・hold /háushòuld/

[名][C]1 〔集合的に〕家族;((英))(雇い人を含めた)家の者;世帯,所帯,家庭.a single-person [large, low-income] household単身[大,低所得…

household budget

英和 用語・用例辞典
家計 (=household economy)household budgetの関連語句actual household budgets家計の実感household budget survey家計調査household budgetの用例H…


Imperial properties;〔宝物〕an Imperial treasure正倉院御物the Imperial treasures housed in Shosoin


英和 用語・用例辞典
(動)火葬にするcremateの用例Amid an outpouring of anger and grief by millions across the country demanding greater protection for women from…

Imperial carriage

英和 用語・用例辞典
儀装馬車Imperial carriageの用例Thousands of people lined the streets to catch a glimpse of the incoming U.S. Ambassador to Japan Caroline K…


a household(▼家族以外に使用人をも含め,集合的に);〔家族〕a familyこの村には20世帯が住んでいるThere are twenty families living in the vil…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(形)壮大な 雄大な 荘重なgrandの関連語句Grand Chamberlain to the Emperor天皇陛下の侍従長grand champion(相撲の)横綱grand duchess大公妃 女大公…

single-person household

英和 用語・用例辞典
単身世帯 単身者世帯single-person householdの用例To build a sustainable social security system, the government will raise the percentage of …


the house of an Imperial prince


〔家〕a house;〔世帯〕a household一戸を構える〔独立する〕set up one's own household/〔一軒を持つ〕have a house of one's own一戸を構えてい…

household assets

英和 用語・用例辞典
家計金融資産 個人の金融資産household assetsの用例The ratio of cash and deposits in total household assets declined 0.7 percentage point to …

digital household appliances

英和 用語・用例辞典
デジタル家電digital household appliancesの用例Demand for digital household appliances is expected to surge.デジタル家電の需要は、急増する見…

wage cuts

英和 用語・用例辞典
賃金引下げ 賃下げ 賃金カットwage cutsの用例Wage-earning households account for about 60 percent of total household spending.サラリーマン世…

incoming U.S. Ambassador to Japan

英和 用語・用例辞典
新駐日米大使incoming U.S. Ambassador to Japanの用例Thousands of people lined the streets to catch a glimpse of the incoming U.S. Ambassador…


〔集合的に,家の者全体〕a household;〔家族〕a family女所帯a fatherless household我が家は男所帯だThere are no women in this household.大所…

credentials-submission ceremony

英和 用語・用例辞典
信任状奉呈式credentials-submission ceremonyの用例Thousands of people lined the streets to catch a glimpse of the incoming U.S. Ambassador t…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(形)馬が引くhorse-drawnの用例Thousands of people lined the streets to catch a glimpse of the incoming U.S. Ambassador to Japan Caroline Ken…

rice farming household

英和 用語・用例辞典
コメ農家rice farming householdの用例The DPJ-led government has introduced an income compensation system for individual rice farming househo…

annual income

英和 用語・用例辞典
年収 年間所得annual incomeの用例Households with an annual income of less than ¥4 million account for nearly half of the national total.年…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)退位 退官 放棄 棄権 辞退abdicationの関連語句abdication from the throne王位放棄 退位abdication of one’s husbandly duties夫としての義務[…


a family budget家計が苦しい[豊かである]have 「a hard time [no trouble] making ends meet彼女は家計の切り盛りが上手だShe manages the family…


❶〔家を持っている人〕the owner of a house;〔家庭のある人〕a homeowner, the head of a household [family]❷〔家計のやりくり〕姉は家持ちがいい…

actual household budgets

英和 用語・用例辞典
家計の実感actual household budgetsの用例In fiscal 2021, the nominal economic growth rate, which is close to actual household budgets, is ex…


household management;〔家事〕housekeeping家政を切り回すrun one's house/manage a household家政学home economics; domestic science家政学科th…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)代理 代理権 代理行為 代理業 代理店 代理関係 行政機関 機関 行動 行為 作用 働き 仲介 媒介 世話agencyの関連語句advertising agency広告代理…

energy-saving household appliances

英和 用語・用例辞典
省エネ家電energy-saving household appliancesの用例Rare earths are indispensable for making parts for energy-saving household appliances and…


❶〔一家全体〕the whole household [house]❷〔全部の世帯〕村の全戸にその書類が配布されたThe document was delivered to each family in the villa…

Capitol occupancy incident

英和 用語・用例辞典
議会議事堂占拠事件Capitol occupancy incidentの用例In the second Senate impeachment trial against Donald Trump, the 45th president of the Un…

percentage of out-of-pocket payments paid at hospitals

英和 用語・用例辞典
病院[医療機関]で払う自己負担割合percentage of out-of-pocket payments paid at hospitalsの用例To build a sustainable social security system, …

Emperor and Empress

英和 用語・用例辞典
天皇、皇后両陛下 天皇・皇后両陛下Emperor and Empressの用例Both the emperor and empress have been steadily carrying out their official dutie…

U.S. Ambassador to Japan

英和 用語・用例辞典
駐日米大使U.S. Ambassador to Japanの用例Thousands of people lined the streets to catch a glimpse of the incoming U.S. Ambassador to Japan C…

disposable household income

英和 用語・用例辞典
家計の可処分所得disposable household incomeの用例The DPJ likely will include a policy of raising disposable household income by 20 percent …





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