「government agencies」の検索結果


slowdown in the economy

英和 用語・用例辞典
景気減速 経済の減速 景気低迷 景気鈍化 (=economic slowdown)slowdown in the economyの用例The government will flexibly implement both economic…


❶〔起こること〕椿事(ちんじ)が出来したThere has been an accident./An accident has occurred.❷〔でき上がること〕新庁舎は近日中に出来するThe n…

China’s income gap

英和 用語・用例辞典
中国の所得格差China’s income gapの用例To narrow China’s income gap and expand domestic consumption, the Chinese government plans to raise t…


(a) military government [administration]軍政を敷くestablish military administration/impose military rule ((on))

spark a backlash from

英和 用語・用例辞典
〜の反発を招くspark a backlash fromの用例For fear of sparking a backlash from the elderly, government administration since 2008 have capped…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)操り人形 傀儡(かいらい) 手先 ロボットpuppetの関連語句puppet government傀儡政府 傀儡席政権puppet manipulator操り人形師 (=puppeteer)puppe…


英和 用語・用例辞典
原子力規制委員会 (Nuclear Regulation Authorityの略)NRAの用例Local governments are to get cracking on compiling their own disaster managemen…

rescue effort

英和 用語・用例辞典
救済策rescue effortの用例The U.S. government’s benign neglect apparently reflects its belief in the need to avoid a financial burden due to…


政府は総花的減税をやったThe government enacted an across-the-board tax cut.総花式のやり方a policy which attempts to please everybody

repayment of debt

英和 用語・用例辞典
債務返済 債務の支払い 借入金返済額repayment of debtの用例Most other major banks also are considering repayment of their debts to the govern…


英和 用語・用例辞典
重債務貧困国 (heavily indebted poor countriesの略)HIPCsの用例The government will propose measures to reduce the debt burdens of heavily ind…

financial system crisis

英和 用語・用例辞典
金融危機 金融システム不安financial system crisisの用例If Japanese government bonds prices enter a tailspin and throw financial markets into…

ensure the safety of

英和 用語・用例辞典
〜の安全を確保する 〜の安全性を確保するensure the safety ofの用例Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida urged his Algerian counterpart in his telep…

safety net

英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)安全網 安全策 安全装置 救済 救済策 支援策 (政府の)社会保障 安全[安全用]ネット セーフティ・ネット (⇒employment safety net, scale動詞, so…

launch an attack on

英和 用語・用例辞典
〜への攻撃を開始するlaunch an attack onの用例Algerian government forces launched an attack on the armed Islamist group, reflecting its sens…

official pledge

英和 用語・用例辞典
公約official pledgeの用例Koizumi adhered to his official pledge of limiting the new issuance of government bonds to ¥30 trillion.小泉首相…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)合意 約束 確約 取決め 協約 契約 監査契約 雇用 雇用期間 従事 活動 業務 関与 負債 債務engagementの関連語句attestation engagementアテステ…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)環境保護論者 環境問題専門家 環境汚染防止専門家environmentalistの用例German Chancellor Olaf Scholtz’s new coalition government was forme…

prefectural (government) office

英和 用語・用例辞典
県庁 県庁舎prefectural (government) officeの用例At a press conference held in the prefectural office, Kagoshima Gov. Yuichiro Ito expressed…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)出来事 事件 事故 紛争 問題 (⇒refer)incidentの関連語句a border incident国境紛争 越境事件a closed incident落着した事件a disciplinary inci…

market trend

英和 用語・用例辞典
市場動向 市場の動き[動向] 市場の流れ 市況 商況 マーケット・トレンドmarket trendの用例Flexible market intervention depending on market trend…

policy implementation

英和 用語・用例辞典
政策実施policy implementationの用例The figures of primary budget balance represent the extent to which government spending on policy implem…

employment rate

英和 用語・用例辞典
就職率 雇用率employment rateの用例According to a government survey, the employment rate among new university graduates in spring 2013 was 9…

assessment of the economy

英和 用語・用例辞典
景気判断 景気の基調判断 (=assessment on the state of the economy, economic assessment)assessment of the economyの用例The government downgra…

independent judiciary

英和 用語・用例辞典
独立した司法(制度) 司法の独立independent judiciaryの用例Afghan government is urged to work toward rooting out corruption, establish an inde…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)西洋 欧米 欧米諸国 西側 西側諸国Westの用例According to a senior Syrian government official, the West is looking for a pretext for milit…

nerve agent

英和 用語・用例辞典
神経ガス (sarinやVX gasなど)nerve agentの用例A top Iraqi scientist involved in the country’s development of a sophisticated nerve agent has…

investment trust

英和 用語・用例辞典
投資信託 投信 (一般投資家から資金を集め、これを専門家が証券などに投資して、その運用益を投資家に還元する貯蓄手段:asset management, balance o…

regenerative medicine product

英和 用語・用例辞典
再生医療製品regenerative medicine productの用例Deliberations on the bill to revise the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law to simplify screening pro…

employment safety net

英和 用語・用例辞典
雇用の安全網 雇用のセーフティ・ネットemployment safety netの用例In addition to promoting the realignment of the industry, the government mu…

adopt a policy

英和 用語・用例辞典
政策をとるadopt a policyの用例As a growth strategy to resuscitate the Japanese economy, it is essential for the government to adopt policie…


〔政務をとること〕administration, governing, government;〔その人〕an administrator;〔国政担当者〕a chief executive執政官an administrator…

turnaround in investors’ sentiment

英和 用語・用例辞典
投資家心理の改善 (=improved investors’ [investors] sentiment)turnaround in investors’ sentimentの用例Stable yields on Italian government bo…

next-generation supercomputing

英和 用語・用例辞典
次世代スーパーコンピュータnext-generation supercomputingの用例Such areas as next-generation supercomputing, free electron lasers and space …

reconstruction project from the March 11 disaster

英和 用語・用例辞典
東日本大震災の復興事業reconstruction project from the March 11 disasterの用例In a scenario for economic growth recovery drawn up by the gov…

Nuclear Damage Liability Facilitation Fund

英和 用語・用例辞典
原子力損害賠償支援機構 (⇒state-backed)Nuclear Damage Liability Facilitation Fundの用例According to the source, the Nuclear Damage Liability…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(動)浄化する 清める 精製する 不純物を取り除くpurifyの用例A sweet flag bath, which many people take on May 5th as a Japanese custom, is beli…


❶〔割り戻し〕a rebateその商品は1割のリベートがつくThey give a rebate of 10 percent on the price of those articles.❷〔手数料〕a commission,…

measures to prevent sediment disaster

英和 用語・用例辞典
土砂災害対策measures to prevent sediment disasterの用例The Tokyo metropolitan government plans to compile a report on measures to prevent s…


International Non-Governmental Organization 非政府国際組織.

currency swap arrangement

英和 用語・用例辞典
通貨交換協定 通貨スワップ協定 通貨スワップ(交換)協定currency swap arrangementの用例Japan’s FX reserves have also been used to expand the fi…

corporate income tax

英和 用語・用例辞典
法人所得税 法人税corporate income taxの用例To achieve at least 2 percent nominal growth in gross domestic product, the government must take…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)仲介者 仲介人 仲介役go-betweenの用例U.S. soldier’s handover to U.S. forces followed indirect negotiations between the Taliban and the U…

hydrogen fluoride

英和 用語・用例辞典
フッ化水素hydrogen fluorideの用例Japanese government tightened controls on the export of three items to South Korea, including hydrogen flu…

through wage hikes

英和 用語・用例辞典
賃金の上昇を通じてthrough wage hikesの用例The government plans to implement corporate tax cuts, coupled with the consumption tax hike, but …

donor [donors] conference

英和 用語・用例辞典
支援国会議donor [donors] conferenceの用例In order to discuss assistance for Afghanistan, about 80 countries and international organizations…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)出先機関 (海外)出張所 前進基地 軍事基地 駐屯地 前哨地 前哨基地 前哨部隊 辺境の植民地[居留地]outpostの関連語句an outpost of the National…

criminal complaint

英和 用語・用例辞典
刑事告発 刑事告訴criminal complaintの関連語句file a criminal complaint against〜を刑事告発するtake an additional action of criminal complai…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)(日本・ドイツ・デンマークなどの)国会 議会 (⇒Congress, divided Diet, Parliament)Dietの関連語句a Diet guard国会衛視a Diet record国会議事…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)海賊 海賊船 著作権[特許権]侵害者 海賊版出版社 無認可放送[放送局]pirateの用例The government’s bill for the antipiracy mission sets penal…





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