China’s shadow banking system
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 中国の影の銀行 (⇒shadow bank)China’s shadow banking systemの用例China’s shadow banking system is said to have an outstanding loan total equ…
agricultural technology
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 農業技術agricultural technologyの用例Russia sees Japan as a destination for its natural gas exports and a provider of medical and agricultu…
decline in the scholastic ability
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 学力低下decline in the scholastic abilityの用例There are numerous problems facing this nation’s education, including bullying, truancy and …
decline in transparency
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 透明性の低下decline in transparencyの用例Japan has raised questions about the decline in transparency concerning China’s military as well a…
new coronavirus variant
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 新型コロナウイルス[新型コロナ]の変異種new coronavirus variantの用例The infections with a novel [new] coronavirus variant have been spreadin…
chronic budget deficits
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 長期にわたる[長引く]財政赤字 財政の赤字体質chronic budget deficitsの用例Raising the consumption tax rate is essential in order to escape fr…
dole-out measures
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- バラマキ政策 (⇒handout policies, suprapartisan)dole-out measuresの用例Mainly due to dole-out measures, the Japanese government’s finances a…
entire workforce
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 全従業員entire workforceの用例This major internet service provider adopted telecommuting for about 90% of its entire workforce in Japan in …
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- (名)軽い喜劇 道化芝居 笑劇 茶番劇 馬鹿げたこと 馬鹿げて無駄なこと こっけい おかしさfarceの用例Chinese leader-in-waiting Xi Jinping denounce…
financial bubble burst
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 金融バブルの崩壊 金融バブルの破裂financial bubble burstの用例Many pundits in Tokyo have prophesied the possible demise of U.S. primacy sinc…
freedom of navigation at sea
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 航海の自由freedom of navigation at seaの用例Japan-ASEAN ties are meaningful in ensuring regional security, particularly freedom of navigati…
genetically modified [engineered] food
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 遺伝子組換え食品 ゲノム編集食品 (=genetically altered food, GM food)genetically modified [engineered] foodの用例Japan requires labeling of …
key money supply gauge
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- マネー・サプライ(通貨供給量)の指標key money supply gaugeの用例Japan’s key money supply gauge rose a weaker-than-expected 1.8 percent in Oct…
overseas economies
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 海外経済overseas economiesの用例A degree of uncertainty about the overseas economies remains high and it implies downside risks for the Jap…
place of origin
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 原産地place of originの用例The Japanese Agricultural Standards (JAS) Law requires the producers of perishable foods to ensure that labels m…
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- (動)〜を再解釈する 〜の解釈を見直す 〜を新解釈するreinterpretの用例The Japanese government is reinterpreting provisions of the Constitution…
pursue steady recovery
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 着実な回復を続けるpursue steady recoveryの用例The government and the BOJ must cautiously and carefully implement their policies until the J…
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- (動)道に迷う 迷い込む (コースから)それる 外れる 脱線する はぐれる 逸脱する 不倫をするstrayの関連語句stray from tradition伝統から逸脱するstr…
robust growth path
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 力強い成長軌道robust growth pathの用例The firm should take credit for putting itself on a robust growth path again by overcoming the advers…
slowdown in the Chinese economy
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 中国経済の減速 中国の景気減速slowdown in the Chinese economyの用例Partly due to a slowdown in the Chinese economy in the wake of the Europe…
private corporation
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 民間企業private corporationの用例In February and March, there were 55 cases of hacking in which private corporations’ Web sites were altere…
lighting technology
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 発光技術lighting technologyの用例A Japanese inventor and his former employer reached a 840 million yen settlement in a high-profile dispute…
illegal landing
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 不法上陸illegal landingの用例The Japanese government responded to this illegal landing on the Senkaku Islands strictly and fairly based on …
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- (名)不適格 不適任 不適当 不適格性 無資格ineligibilityの用例The review of the refugee recognition system would prevent refugee status applic…
enter a phase of realignment
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 再編の段階に入るenter a phase of realignmentの用例The Japanese banking sector is entering a phase of realignment in which banks are seeking…
euro’s appreciation
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- ユーロ高euro’s appreciationの用例Eurozone countries whose economies are suffering from the euro’s appreciation likely will criticize Japan …
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- (名)林業 林学 植林学 森林管理forestryの関連語句Forestry Agency(日本の)林野庁forestry business林業 林業経営forestry industry林業forestryの用…
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- (名)キロバイト (=K, KB, Kbyte:情報量の単位で、1,024バイト)kilobyteの用例In Japan, the fee for transmitting or receiving data at a rate of 1…
defense white paper
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 防衛白書defense white paperの用例According to the defense white paper of Japan, China is strongly expected to recognize its responsibility …
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- (動)乱す 妨害する 妨げる 邪魔をする 迷惑をかける 動揺させる 不安にする 心配させる (物を)動かす (形を)変える (⇒survey ship)disturbの関連語句…
anti-Japan demonstration
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 反日デモanti-Japan demonstrationの用例Adverse impacts on Japanese companies’ business are spreading due to anti-Japan demonstrations and a …
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- (平成に代わる新元号・年号の)令和 (英語でbeautiful harmony(美しい調和)を意味する。日本最古の歌集『万葉集』の「初春の令月にして、気淑(よ)く風…
ge・og・ra・phy /dʒiάɡrəfi | -ɔ́ɡ-/
- プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)
- [名]((複)-phies)1 [U]地理学,地理.human [economic, social] geography人文[経済,社会]地理学1a [C]地理学書,地誌.2 〔the ~〕地形,地勢…
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- (名)ムスダン (2007年に実戦配備された北朝鮮の中距離ミサイルで、推定射程は3,000キロ・メートル )Musudanの用例North Korea has moved a missile k…
coal mining
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 採炭 石炭鉱業 炭鉱事業 採炭業coal miningの用例Sumitomo Corp., a Japanese major trading house, lost $2.2 billion in investments, including T…
countermeasures against illegal fishing
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 違法漁業への取締り[対抗手段]countermeasures against illegal fishingの用例To strengthen countermeasures against illegal fishing, three 1,000…
medical narcotic
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 医療用麻薬medical narcoticの用例Oxycodone, a medical narcotic prescribed to cancer patients and others, is legal in the US with a prescript…
freshness date
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 品質保持期限 品質保証期限 賞味期限freshness dateの用例An employee of Nippon Ham sold 80 kilograms of beef that was past its freshness date,…
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- (形)本格的な 総力を挙げての 全面的な 完全な 実物大のfull-scaleの用例Japan’s full-scale official development assistance in this area began w…
gain strength
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 力を付ける 体力を付けるgain strengthの用例The government and the BOJ must cautiously and carefully implement their policies until the Japan…
genetic disease
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 遺伝病genetic diseaseの用例Preimplantation diagnosis on patients other than those with serious genetic diseases is not allowed by the guide…
Iran-Iraq War
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- イラン・イラク戦争Iran-Iraq Warの用例The construction of a petrochemical complex in Iran by Japanese firms in 1970s was halted due to the I…
adopt outside board directors
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 社外取締役を起用するadopt outside board directorsの用例Many Japanese companies decided to adopt outside board directors to meet the request…
government organization
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 政府機関government organizationの用例Japanese government organizations have recently been the targets of a slew of cyber-attacks by hackers…
infections with a new [novel] coronavirus variant
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 新型コロナウイルスの変異種の感染infections with a new [novel] coronavirus variantの用例The infections with a novel [new] coronavirus varian…
earthquake-proof design
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 耐震設計earthquake-proof designの用例The earthquake-proof designs of Japanese nuclear reactors are exemplified by those that withstood the …
eke out funds
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- 資金をひねり出す 財源をひねり出すeke out fundsの用例Given the nation’s tough fiscal condition, the government must eke out the necessary fu…
end deflation
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- デフレから脱却する デフレ脱却を図るend deflationの用例The Bank of Japan should maintain its focus on ending deflation and resuscitating the…
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- (名)再任 再任命 再指名reappointmentの用例The controversy over the reappointment of Japan Post president has resulted in the de facto dismis…
sweeping growth
- 英和 用語・用例辞典
- すさまじい伸びsweeping growthの用例The vitality that had enabled Japanese companies to achieve sweeping growth throughout the world market …