「Japan Coast Guard」の検索結果


online bulletin board

英和 用語・用例辞典
ネット上の電子掲示板online bulletin boardの用例Online bulletin boards in China have been increasingly used to post extreme messages encoura…

ability to repay

英和 用語・用例辞典
返済能力ability to repayの用例Credit loan companies screen customers’ ability to repay before banks provide loans in an affiliated loan pro…

credit loan company [firm]

英和 用語・用例辞典
信販会社credit loan company [firm]の用例Credit loan companies screen customers’ ability to repay before banks provide loans in an affiliate…

high-handed stance

英和 用語・用例辞典
高圧的な態度high-handed stanceの用例The Chinese government has taken a high-handed stance toward Japan over the Chinese fishing trawler’s c…

monetary easing policy

英和 用語・用例辞典
金融緩和政策 金融緩和策 (=monetary ease, monetary expansion, monetary relaxation)monetary easing policyの関連語句a bold [drastic] monetary …

stronger Chinese yuan

英和 用語・用例辞典
中国の人民元高 人民元高stronger Chinese yuanの用例Japanese-affiliated companies operating in China will have to be aware of “China risks” s…

bodī́-gā́do[diígáa], ボディーガード

(<Ing. bodyguard) O guarda-costas;a escolta pessoal. [S/同]Yṓjínbō.

National Personnel Authority

英和 用語・用例辞典
人事院National Personnel Authorityの関連語句national power国力 (⇒human resources)national referendum国民投票National Referendum Law国民投票…

Sino-Japanese War

英和 用語・用例辞典
日清戦争Sino-Japanese Warの用例At the U.N. General Assembly, Chinese Foreign Minister Yang claimed that Japan stole the Senkaku Islands in …

floods in Thailand

英和 用語・用例辞典
タイの洪水floods in Thailandの用例Main factors for Canon’s drop in consolidated sales include effects from the Great East Japan Earthquake,…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(副)静かに 落ち着いて 冷静に 穏やかに 波を立てずに 平穏に ごく平然とcalmlyの用例To grapple with China’s policy of military and economic exp…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(形)〜に適した 適当な 適切な ふさわしい うってつけの 都合がよいsuitableの用例Credit loan companies screen customers’ ability to repay befor…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)暴動 騒乱 騒動 混乱 騒擾(そうじょう) 乱舞 多種多彩 (動)暴動に加わる 騒ぐ 浮かれ騒ぐ 放蕩(ほうとう)するriotの関連語句anti-Japan riot反日…

northern four islands

英和 用語・用例辞典
北方4島northern four islandsの用例The northern four islands are an inherent part of Japan’s territory, so the Japanese government must set …

National Defense Program Guidelines

英和 用語・用例辞典
防衛計画大綱 防衛大綱National Defense Program Guidelinesの用例According to an interim report on the new National Defense Program Guidelines…


❶〔室〕a Japanese-style room;〔客間〕a Japanese-style drawing room (with an alcove in one corner)私は座敷へ通されたI was shown into the dr…



All Japan Judo Federation

英和 用語・用例辞典
全日本柔道連盟All Japan Judo Federationの用例After the installation of the new leadership, the All Japan Judo Federation will hold the firs…

coast /kóust/

[名]1 [U][C](水域に面した)広大な陸地,(大陸・国・州などの)海岸部≪of≫(◆意識は陸地側にあり俯瞰的にとらえる;⇒shore1).on the Pacific co…

Japanese-affiliated company

英和 用語・用例辞典
日系企業Japanese-affiliated companyの用例Japanese-affiliated companies operating in China will have to be aware of “China risks” such as ri…

たいがん 対岸

小学館 和伊中辞典 2版
riva(女) opposta, l'altra sponda(女) 【慣用】対岸の火事 ¶彼は対岸の火事とばかりに見ていた.|Lo guardava come se non lo riguardasse.

market research

英和 用語・用例辞典
市場調査 マーケット・リサーチmarket researchの用例East Japan Railway Co. sold records of the use of its Suica cards, prepaid e-money cards,…

downward pressure

英和 用語・用例辞典
低下圧力 引下げ圧力 下げ圧力 下押し圧力 低下傾向 低下要因downward pressureの関連語句be under downward pressure下げ圧力[低下圧力]にさらされ…

はくがん 白眼

小学館 和伊中辞典 2版
◇白眼視する 白眼視する はくがんしする guardare male qlcu., guardare qlcu. in cagnesco, guardare [vedere] qlcu. [ql.co.] di malo̱cch…


伊和中辞典 2版
[他] 1 壊す, 損なう, だいなしにする;(友情, 計画などを)ぶち壊す;(体面などを)傷つける;(興味などを)そぐ, 妨げる;(人を)毒する, 堕落…

work out strategies [a strategy]

英和 用語・用例辞典
戦略を練るwork out strategies [a strategy]の用例In expanding into India’s market, Japanese companies must work out a strategy that includes…

grave doubt

英和 用語・用例辞典
重大な疑念 強い疑念 重大な疑問 強い疑問grave doubtの関連語句cast grave doubt on [about, over] the hypothesis仮設に重大な疑問を投げかける[重…


小学館 和西辞典
1 (片付ける) arreglar, poner ALGO en su lugar, (保管する) guardar箱にしまう|⌈poner [guardar] ALGO en la caja思い出を胸にしまう…

anti-Japan activist

英和 用語・用例辞典
反日活動家anti-Japan activistの用例Judicial proceedings against the anti-Japan activists from Hong Kong were not taken as their action did …

Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry

英和 用語・用例辞典
日本商工会議所Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industryの用例Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chairman Tadashi Okamura thinks that the a…

anti-Japan propaganda campaign

英和 用語・用例辞典
反日宣伝活動anti-Japan propaganda campaignの用例China’s anti-Japan propaganda campaign has caused a drop in Japanese firms’ investment in C…

seek to

英和 用語・用例辞典
〜しようとする 〜に努力する 〜に努める 〜を目指す 〜する方針であるseek toの用例As Venezuela’s economic clout seems to be receding, U.S. Pre…

measures to cope with nuclear disasters

英和 用語・用例辞典
原子力災害対策measures to cope with nuclear disastersの用例The Nuclear Regulation Authority, Japan’s nuclear watchdog, released a draft of …

ジェー‐シー‐キュー‐エッチ‐シー【JCQHC】[Japan Council for Quality Health Care]

《Japan Council for Quality Health Care》⇒日本医療機能評価機構

infrastructure exports

英和 用語・用例辞典
インフラ輸出infrastructure exportsの用例All the numerical targets of private capital investment, infrastructure exports and direct investme…


小学館 和西辞典
disminuir, decrecer, reducirse, bajar, caer, menguar, verse reducido[da]農業人口が減ってきている|Está ⌈disminuyendo [decreci…

Japanese economy

英和 用語・用例辞典
日本経済 日本の景気 (=the Japan’s economy)Japanese economyの用例According to the BOJ’s monthly economic report, the Japanese economy shows …

damage caused by

英和 用語・用例辞典
〜による被害[損害、弊害] 〜による(悪)影響damage caused byの用例According to the Article 714 of the Civil Code, guardians are responsible fo…


a quick shot;〔野球で〕hitting at an early count早撃ちのガンマン〔西部劇で〕 《口》 a fast gun


英和 用語・用例辞典
(形)上向きの 上昇する (副)上方へ さかのぼって 〜以上 〜以来 (⇒downward)upwardの関連語句slow upward trend穏やかな上昇傾向[上昇基調] 緩(ゆる)…

in protest of [against]

英和 用語・用例辞典
〜に抗議して 〜に反対して 〜に反発してin protest of [against]の用例Both the Japanese economy and Chinese businesses have been impacted by t…

natural gas field

英和 用語・用例辞典
天然ガス田natural gas fieldの用例Chinese development of the Chunxiao natural gas field could lead to violation of the exclusive economic zo…

ジェー‐シー‐アイ‐エー【JCIA】[Japan Cosmetic Industry Association]

《Japan Cosmetic Industry Association》⇒日本化粧品工業連合会


&fRoman1;❶〔折れ曲がること〕屈折の多い海岸線an uneven coastline屈折した道a curving [curvy] road❷〔光・電磁波・音波の〕refraction光は水に入…


英和 用語・用例辞典
(名)出生率birthrateの用例Growing competition in the toy and video game market is partly caused by shrinking sales due to a low birthrate.テ…

trading house

英和 用語・用例辞典
商事会社 商社 (=trading firm)trading houseの用例Sumitomo Corp., a Japanese major trading house, lost $2.2 billion in investments, including…

power consumption

英和 用語・用例辞典
電力消費 電力消費量 消費電力power consumptionの用例The company believes that its products can distinguish themselves from those of Chinese …


東海地方に地震が群発したA series of earthquakes occurred in the Tokai region.群発地震an earthquake swarm; a series of earthquakes伊豆東方沖…

Deming Prize

英和 用語・用例辞典
デミング賞Deming Prizeの用例Not only did the company win the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, but it also became the first American…


the two Deva kings; the guardian gods of Buddhism仁王立ち仁王立ちになるstand firm with one's feet set apart仁王門a Deva gate; a (temple) ga…





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