英和 用語・用例辞典
©Kikuchi Yoshiaki
英和 用語・用例辞典のキーワード一覧
- profit forecast(s)
- profit from
- profit generation
- profit making
- profit margin
- profit rate [ratio]
- profit sharing
- profit structure
- profit taking
- profit target
- profit-driven
- profit-first principle
- profit-making
- profit-seeking organization
- profitability
- profitable
- profitable business
- profiteer
- profiteering
- profiteering racket
- proforma [pro forma]
- profound
- profoundly
- profuse
- profusely
- profusion
- program
- program
- programing [programming]
- progress
- progress
- progress in economic globalization
- progress in economic improvement
- progress in inventory adjustment
- progress in science and technology
- progress report
- progress toward democracy
- progression
- progressive
- progressive income tax brackets
- progressive structure
- progressive tax
- progressive tax rates for income tax
- progressive taxation
- prohibit
- prohibition
- prohibitionist
- prohibitive
- project
- project
- project finance [financing]
- project financing scheme
- projected
- projected benefit obligation
- projected business performance
- projected business results
- projected demand
- projected earnings
- projected loss
- projected operating profit
- projected profit
- projected state revenue
- projectile
- projection
- projection mapping
- proliferate
- proliferation
- proliferation of nuclear weapons
- proliferation of smartphones
- proliferation of weapons of mass destruction