
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(名)政策 対策 施策 方策 策 手段 やり方 方法 方針 施政方針 経営方針 路線 信条 主義 規定 保険証券 保険証書 保険契約 ポリシー (⇒bond insurer, drastic policy, economic policy team, fiscal policy, foreign policy, monetary policy, money policy, present, unilateral)



A nuclear energy policy is important in helping ensure a stable power supply and protecting the environment, and it also affects the whole spectrum of matters related to steering the ship of state, including the nation’s economy, diplomacy and national security.

As a growth strategy to resuscitate the Japanese economy, it is essential for the government to adopt policies aimed at acquiring new markets through deregulatory steps, while expediting technological innovations in the private sector.

As an important issue in the upcoming upper house election, the LDP unveiled policies to promote wider use of cheap generic drugs and prevent people from receiving treatment at more than one medical institution for the same disease.

As his policy in the diplomatic and security arena after assuming the presidency, Putin emphasized to strengthen Russia’s nuclear deterrence to cope with the United States.

At two financial summit meetings since the collapse of Lehman Brothers, agreements were made on cooperation to implement large-scale economic stimulus measures and to take monetary relaxation policies.

Bush, who has branded North Korea part of “an axis of evil,” initially put a policy of pursuing dialogue with Pyongyang on hold.

China defended its controversial one-child policy.

China is spurring domestic-demand expansion policies by its own increased consumption.

China’s previous administration of Hu Jintao transformed the country’s GDP-centered policy under a “scientific development concept” banner.

Deteriorating business sentiment among large companies will be certain to increase pressure against the Bank of Japan to relax its monetary policy.

Even if management turns down the specific demands of shareholders, it has a responsibility to present reasonable policy and continue dialogue with them.

Five LDP lawmakers from Okinawa Prefecture met with LDP Secretary General Shigeru Ishiba and said they will accept the government’s policy of relocating the U.S. Marine Corps’ Futenma Air Station to Henoko.

Former BOJ Gov. Masaaki Shirakawa adhered to the convention of making interest rates the target of monetary policy because the central bank would be required to purchase an infinite amount of government bonds if the target were changed to the money supply.

In an effort to more effectively implement policies, secretaries general of the DPJ and the LDP separately expressed their support for forming a grand coalition.

In light of complaints from emerging economies that a glut of speculative funds due to monetary easing measures taken by advanced countries have caused the appreciation of their currencies and asset inflation, the G-20 participants agreed that they will monitor and minimize the negative ripple effects of their respective financial policies.

In reactivating idle nuclear reactors to realize a stable supply of electricity after their safety is confirmed, the government should take the initiative to explain the necessity of its policy to local government hosting nuclear power plants.

In the French presidential election, voters are focusing their attention on an economic growth policy to expand job opportunities, rather than fiscal rehabilitation.

In the vice presidential TV debate between Vice President Joe Biden and Paul Ryan, Biden aggressively defended the Obama administration’s policies and dismissed Ryan’s criticism as “malarkey.”

In wrap accounts, a customer sets the overall investment policy, including investment period and profit target.

Israel is internationally isolated due to its inflexible hard-line policies against the Palestinians.

Italian voters’ backlash against Prime Minister Mario Monti’s austerity policy was so fierce that his Civil Choice party was crushed in the general election of February 2013.
モンティ伊首相の緊縮政策に対するイタリアの有権者の反発が激しく、2013年2月の総選挙で、モンティ率いる政党のCivil Choice(市民の選択)は惨敗した。

Leaders of the Group of Eight industrial nations laid out the policy of balancing economic growth and the restoration of fiscal health.

Liberal Democratic Party President Shinzo Abe’s policies tend to lean strongly to the right, so some Komeito members say they will not tolerate any hawkish policies.

Newspapers are public organs to support democracy by providing information on the policies of central and local governments and carrying various opinions on a number of issues.

Obama’s spendthrift, big-government policies have hurt business and caused the federal deficit to soar.

Overreacting of the government and the BOJ to market trends could cause declines in confidence in their policies, and threaten market turmoil.

Policies are only implemented after relevant bills have been enacted by the Diet into law.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is advertising Japan overseas to give an additional push to his economic rejuvenation policies.

Public frustration over Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan’s Islamic policy and heavy-handed political style has grown especially among secular people.

Regarding the recent trespassers in the Senkaku Islands, no Chinese activists were harmed in line with the government’s initial policy.

Seiji Maehara, the new state minister for national policy, held a news conference after his appointment.

Shinsei and Aozora banks failed to iron out differences over post-integration management policy.

The administration of Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has put forth a policy of ending reliance on nuclear power generation in the 2030s.

The Bank of Japan should quickly materialize a new policy of listing asset-backed securities, or securities backed by assets such as sales credits, as a possible option for purchase.

The current tuition-free program for high schools was an eye-catching policy devised by the DPJ-led government, but the present Abe administration will review the program and impose income ceilings on families receiving grants.

The deflationary policy, which many policymakers at the time of the Great Depression of 1930s had to adopt under the gold standard regime, only resulted in prolonging the depression.

The Democratic Party of Japan persists on policies that have no prospect of passage in the current divided Diet.

The dole-out budget for fiscal 2012 includes such handout policies as income compensation for individual farmers.

The ECB has introduced a bold monetary easing policy with a strong will to avoid deflation.

The expansion of job opportunities, minimum wage hikes and immigration reform to which Obama referred are policies that would help cement the support base for Democrats.

The firm’s production plan, drawn up at the initiative of DaimlerChrysler AG, does not match its business policy and market needs.

The government has set a policy to halve the number of state-managed housing units for national public servants by selling or tearing down them.

The government is incapable of adopting and implementing domestic and foreign policies of vital importance.

The government’s Basic Plan on Ocean Policy is a set of guidelines for medium- and long-term ocean policies.

The government’s policy of ending reliance on nuclear power generation will accelerate the hollowing-out of industry and hamper nuclear power plant exports.

The joint statement of financial ministers and central bank chiefs of the Group of 20 economies did not single out Japan for its monetary and fiscal policies.

The LDP’s campaign platform for the upcoming House of Representatives election strongly reflects the party leader Abe’s major policies, such as those centering on growth and reviewing the right to collective self-defense.

The LDP’s election campaign platform contains monetary policies bolder than measures taken by the current administration, including setting an annual inflation target of 2 percent.

The Liberal Democratic Party insists that the Democratic Party of Japan withdraw some of the policies the DPJ pledged in its manifesto.

The medium-term economic programs of past governments did not bring about effective results as they lacked coherence with realistic policy and fiscal trends.

The new Xi administration whose goal is achieving “the great revival of the Chinese nation” is expected to pursue wealth- and military-building policies over his two five-year terms to transform China into a superpower on par with the United States.

The true value of Abenomics, the Abe administration’s economic policies, will be finally tested by the announcement of the administration’s growth strategy, which is touted as the “third arrow” of Abenomics.

Under the worst-case scenario in which Japan chooses a policy of totally eliminating nuclear energy by 2030, the country’s industry will inevitably cease and people will lose jobs and fall into poverty.

We must keep a close eye on the battle over policies of Obama and Romney as the result of the U.S. presidential election will affect Japan’s domestic and foreign policies.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報


/pάləsi | pɔ́l-/


1 [C][U](…に関する/…に対する)方策,方針,政策≪onregarding/towardfor≫;[U]((古))行動,手段,処理

policy on education

policy toward(s) China

pursue a policy of nonintervention

national policy

It is wise policy to show your face at meetings.


(1) [形]+policy〔領域〕foreign/social/environmental/educational/economic/employment/agricultural;〔公式〕official/federal/government;〔範囲〕domestic/local/national/regional

(2) [動]+policy〔設計〕plan/make/design/draft;〔採用〕introduce/apply/implement/adopt/pursue;〔変更〕change/revise/update/amend

1a [C][U]((形式))(個人の)主義,ポリシー

2 [U]深慮,慎重;(実際的な)知恵;便宜;((やや古))抜け目なさ

3 [C]((スコット))いなかの大屋敷の庭園


/pάləsi | pɔ́l-/


1 [C]保険証書[証券];保険契約

an insurance [a disaster] policy

a time policy

take (out) a life insurance policy in his name for $2,000

2 [U](引いたくじの数字に賭(か)ける)くじ番号当てとばく;(統計数字などを当てる)数当てとばく

出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例





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