英和 用語・用例辞典
©Kikuchi Yoshiaki
英和 用語・用例辞典のキーワード一覧
- union
- union activities
- union member
- unipolar domination
- unique
- uniquely
- unison
- unit
- unit of gross domestic product
- unit price
- unit sales
- unite
- united
- united declaration
- united front
- unity
- unity of the people of Japan
- universal
- universal service
- universal standard
- universal suffrage
- universal values
- universe
- university
- university education
- university graduate
- university student
- unjust
- unjustifiable premiums and misleading representations
- unjustified
- unknown
- unknown origin
- unlawful
- unlawful act
- unlawful business practice
- unlawful moneylending
- unleash
- unless
- unlike
- unlikely
- unlimited
- unlimited issuance of government bonds
- unlimited monetary easing measures
- unlisted joint-stock company
- unlisted stock
- unlisted stock company
- unload
- unlock
- unlooked-for
- unmanned
- unmanned Mars exploration rover
- unmanned capsule
- unmanned cargo transporter
- unmanned cargo vehicle
- unmanned deep-sea research vessel
- unmanned helicopter
- unmanned probe
- unmanned reconnaissance plane
- unmanned spacecraft
- unmanned surveillance plane
- unmarked police car
- unmentioned
- unnecessary
- unnecessary and unurgent outings on weekend
- unnecessary asset
- unofficial
- unofficial job offer
- unopposed
- unpaid
- unpaid bill