英和 用語・用例辞典
©Kikuchi Yoshiaki
英和 用語・用例辞典のキーワード一覧
- wealth
- wealth management
- wealth management business
- wealth management product
- wealth- and military-building policies
- wealthy
- wean
- weapon
- weapon-targeting radar
- weaponize
- weaponry
- weapons development
- weapons of mass destruction
- weapons system
- weapons-grade
- weapons-grade plutonium
- wear
- wear a mask
- wearable
- wearable computer
- wearable technology
- weary
- weather
- weather
- weather conditions
- weather forecast [report]
- weather map [chart]
- weather observation
- weather report
- web
- website
- wed
- wedded
- wedding
- wedged between
- wedlock
- wee
- weed
- weeding
- weedkiller
- weedy
- week
- weekday
- weekend
- weeklong
- weekly
- weekly newspaper [paper]
- weep
- weigh
- weigh down
- weigh on
- weight
- welcome
- welfare
- welfare benefits
- welfare expense
- welfare shelter
- welfare-to-work program
- well
- well
- well-being [wellbeing]
- well-defined
- well-detailed
- well-developed
- well-doing
- well-earned
- well-established
- well-favored [Brit. well-favoured]
- well-found
- well-founded