英和 用語・用例辞典
©Kikuchi Yoshiaki
英和 用語・用例辞典のキーワード一覧
- victims of domestic violence or stalking
- victims of massacres
- victims of sex offenses
- victims of side effects
- victims of torrential rains [rainfalls]
- victims of traffic accidents
- victims of violence
- victory
- video
- video advertisement on the Net
- video camera
- video clip
- video conference [videoconference]
- video display system
- video footage
- video game
- video recording
- video site
- video streaming
- video technology
- video-equipped booth
- video-related firm [company]
- videotape
- vie
- view
- view
- viewer
- viewer expectations
- viewer rating
- vigil
- vigilance
- vigilance against the worse of the domestic economy
- vigilance and surveillance activities
- vigilant
- vigor [Brit. vigour]
- vigor of private businesses
- vigorous
- vigorously
- village
- villain
- villainous
- vinyl chloride
- violate
- violation
- violation of accountability
- violation of the Civil Service Law
- violator
- violence
- violence against women
- violent
- viral
- virtual
- virtual bank
- virtual currency
- virtual engineering
- virtual meeting
- virtual owner
- virtual owner
- virtual reality
- virtual shop
- virtual two-man contest
- virtually
- virtuous circle
- virtuous cycle
- virtuous economic cycle
- virulence
- virulent
- virus
- virus attack
- virus case