英和 用語・用例辞典
©Kikuchi Yoshiaki
英和 用語・用例辞典のキーワード一覧
- history
- history of infection with
- hit
- hit
- hit (out) at
- hit a high for the year
- hit a homer [home run]
- hit a record high
- hit a snag
- hit an inflation target
- hit bottom
- hit product
- hit the ground running
- hit the lowest level on record
- hit the market
- hit the road [trail]
- hit the shelves
- hit-and-miss
- hit-and-run
- hitch
- hitherto
- hitman
- hitter
- ho-hum
- hoard
- hoarded stock
- hoarder
- hoarding
- hoax
- hobble
- hold
- hold
- hold 〜 in check
- hold a bilateral summit meeting
- hold a leading position
- hold a majority
- hold a meeting
- hold a memorial service
- hold a monopoly
- hold a news conference
- hold a race
- hold a referendum on
- hold an extraordinary shareholders meeting
- hold back
- hold back on
- hold bilateral talks
- hold consultations
- hold down
- hold fast to [by]
- hold in-depth discussions
- hold interest rates steady
- hold office
- hold on power
- hold on power
- hold out for
- hold promise
- hold street protests
- hold talks
- hold the key to
- hold the line
- hold up
- hold up well
- holder
- holding
- holding company
- holdings
- holdout
- holdup
- hole
- holiday