英和 用語・用例辞典
©Kikuchi Yoshiaki
英和 用語・用例辞典のキーワード一覧
- thorough
- thorough elucidation
- thorough rationalization
- thorough warning and surveillance system
- thoroughgoing
- thoroughly
- though
- thought
- thought-out
- thought-provoking
- thoughtful
- thoughtless
- thousand
- thousands of
- thrash
- threat
- threat of force
- threat of force
- threaten
- threatened
- threatening
- three R’s
- three Rs
- three fingers
- three minutes’ silence
- three months ended Sept. 30
- three non-nuclear [nonnuclear] principles
- three principles on arms export restrictions
- three principles on arms exports
- three-cornered trade conference
- three-dimensional [3-D]
- three-dimensional computer-aided design
- three-dimensional model
- three-dimensional photography equipment
- three-dimensional printer
- three-party agreement
- three-peat
- three-pillar reform
- three-way
- three-way cooperation
- three-way intervention
- three-way reform
- threshold
- thrift
- thrifts
- thrive
- thriving
- thrombosis
- throne
- throng
- through
- through ODA
- through creation of employment for the elderly
- through diplomatic channels
- through early retirement
- through in-depth discussions
- through management integration
- through national referendums
- through the allotment of new shares
- through the debt-for-equity swap
- through the reconstruction of one’s main line of business
- through the spin-off of domestic sales operations
- through the strengthening of cooperation
- through wage hikes
- through work experiences
- throughout
- throw
- throw [toss] one’s hat into [in] the ring
- throw away
- throw one’s hat into [in] the ring